Brand is the message of a company or an enterprise. So if you are a marketer, and you really want to boost your company’s brand through an online publication, you have to make sure whether your selected tool could let you customize your stylish logo easily. Well, for this case, you are going to spend your time in finding your standard tool? No. you can go straight to to find your solution.
AnyFlip is a fantastic PDF to flipbook converter contributing to designing any types of branding flipbooks including magazines, brochures, newspaper, catalogs etc. In addition, it enables you to make your commercial flipbooks more vivid and professional by adding multimedia elements to flipbook pages. What’s more, AnyFlip can make you easy to make multiple SEO friendly online publications for search engine visibility. The following is some features from AnyFlip shared with you:
Define Unique Logo to Boost Brand
AnyFlip makes it possible to design your own unique logo and create matchable contents and styles for your business identity. In the logo setting, you can add logo image along with a clickable link to your stunning flipbooks, so the audiences will be easy to notice your logo and brand. Besides, you are also able to set the size and the position of your logo. Yes, with this solution, you can do what you want do to.
Enhance Branding Flipbooks with Rich Media
When you want to make a remarkable flipbook to boost your brand, an attractive content is very important. AnyFlip provides you with a powerful module Page Editor to customize your professional flipbooks. With Page Editor, you are allowed to add hyperlinks, buttons, full-style texts, fonts, audios, videos, images, slideshow and other wonderful media. Besides, you can also define click actions for added media elements: go to page, play video, play audio, open links etc. It is a better way to describe your products and services. Of course, your digital contents will look and feel more professional.
Create SEO Friendly Branding Flipbooks
Well, you create a flipbook is for building your brand and boom your business, so more readers will mean more chances. AnyFlip PDF to flipbook converter caters to you. It can let you make your digital flipbooks more SEO friendly to get more potential clients. First, you can edit title name, make a description and set the keywords. Second, you can publish Text Version. All the text contents of the imported PDF will be extracted and can be searched by Yahoo, Google, Bing and other famous search engines.So your branding flipbooks will be easily searched by your customers and clients.